The weekend was full of a WHOLE lot of driving and very little knitting ...I was roaming around in OHIO checking out a " life" down there . I'm seeking a new place to call home, outta Connecticut. I been here majority of my life and just really want to offer the kids another option. Hubby and I did a lot of thinking,planning,talking,sharing and we are determine to relocate soon. Next places in line is North Carolina and Maryland. Yea, I'm thinking south although ideally hubby likes the west coast, namely Arizona and California. I'll keep ya posted.
Now, I did not meet my challenge fro January , but that is okay with me. I am proud of the 3 hats I did complete and I am moving on to Mr.. Knots and Princess Purl's with guilt free and happily. Hubby did request a matching hat for he and his baby girl, but we will see...I wasn't taking custom orders this month, MR.. !
I am very happy that the knit boys all got their hats and feel so proud when they wear them. It's always heart warming when I see my knits in use. That is why Mr. Knots needs his new one and soon. He is rocking the hell out of the hats I knit for him. At first I thought he was just trying to get coochie points, but I realize now , he just loves my comfy hats !!!! So I must, I must get him something new to put on his head. The last two hats must be done during this week. Am I putting too much pressure on my self? I hope not, just pushing my self is all. Besides, I have a few February things to cross of the to make list...
Ahhh yes, February is here. Where the heck is that Ground hog?
For me there are two of my favorite things happening in this month. #1 its black history month (ehem) and It's also the month of least that is what the calendar says....Valentine's Day !!!!!!! To sum it up , in my mind that just means more black love...Ha ! And that's how we rolling this month. BLACK LOVE !!!
I've never been a big Valentines Days Chic, especially after the 5th grade and I realized that most of these holy-days are pagan, fake or just created to make money. So this year I'm throwing my own twist on things and will actually celebrate LOVE all month long.... I do have a few gifts too...Little tokens of love ... sprinkled like confetti....All month long...
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