Monday, March 16


I have been knitting and catching up on sleep and trying to re-connect with the stove in a creative way.... Meaning just brightening up the entrees a bit with color, taste and texture ....(Sounds like I am describing a sistah ) and of course nutrition... So I baked 5 carrot cakes this week. (My latest obsession) It is soooo simple and healthy.....Nothing fancy, but so YUMMY ! I wish I could give you a slice . 

My mom baked this for YEARS and i never knew it was so easy and versatile too....I used her 'ole recipe. The paper (20 + years old)  had seen it's better days ; was yellow from oil spills and age and ripped in half , but i was still able to read the directions and follow through. lol 


I have always been frustrated with knitting directions. Over the years of trying to follow patterns I was always left hella pissed when i just could knot get the intended size or look of theoriginal design. So many projects started and not finished. I swear I have had broken hearts over some projects that will forever be ripped but not forgotten ! But still I knit on ... I look forward to the day that I no longer depend on patterns and books and truly CREATE ...I started stepping away and of late have found a good way to learn pattern creation with HATS ....So I am working on making a tam at the moment ...

I also confess to be a slow knitter ...Yeah ,  I am . And I am working on it , slowly of course , but working nonetheless.  I am seeking to find creative ways to sneak knitting into my daily again. ...It is not always easy . Suggestions Welcomed . 

That being said, I am finally on the last panel of my Rasta Blanket  !!!! YAY !!!! I am pleased and it should be today !!!!! Go me, Go me , Go me !!!!!!!!

I have worked very little on writing last week. I slept and am proud ! I liked the fact that i took time to nap while my 10 week old napped ...I  never had / TOOK those napping opportunities with my 3 boys ...So this was a treat I did not feel guilty indulging in ....But this week I worked and concentrated on my writing project ...My son ask me every day , "So how many words did you write today mom?"  ....... lol, Talk about the hot seat , huh ? 

C ya lata
you beautiful, creative beast ! 
Get 'em !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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