Tuesday, January 12

My crafty week-ends is spilling over into my week !

My knitting weekend boiled downed to a little "me time" sometime after 11 pm Sunday night!!! Wait, Wait let me explian ...You see I worked overtime at the plantation trying to make them ends meet a little closer next paycheck...feel me ? while at the desk I knit knitboy3's hat feverishly until it grew and grew into a gigantic wooly bowl. Sigh ...

However I didn't waste anytime in frogging and removing a few stiches and re-working the whole thing...So that was one set back , but to be expected in a knitter's life every once in a blue...So fine...Sunday I worked, leaving all domestic duties up to Mr knotz and my knitty sons... Getting home after 9pm and still having my little princess to bathe was not going to make me surrender from my crafty challenges !!!! After showering and pampering the little Purl,I then played a round of Peek a Boo with her before she tired out.

I didnt' allow the enormous hat to get me down either.well not too much....and before long I was drunk with crafty-silliness..Playing like a child....Knitting on the hat,seeing the needle holder pattern in my head and jamming to easy listening radio ...Total Bliss !

A nice African screen print and an old pair of jeans. A few snips and I got the basic idea down...
Finally once all was asleep I had my moments of quiet Zen...It felt soo good. I didn't really know what I was doing, but it felt right and I was totally consumed in the moment of fraying fabric and intrigued by what the finally project would look like...


LaBean said...

Old jeans! Why didn't I think of that?! That's what I'm talking about, creativity seems to be everywhere but at my house. Hmmm.

Love the Peace sign with the DPNs and measuring tape. Ha! :)

Delikate Rayne said...

Awww your lil one is sooo cute...we envy your knitting skills!!!

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